Benzie County Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of CommerceTourist & Visitor Services
Hours vary by season. Visit the Lobby / Office Hours Tab for schedule.
Driving Directions:
Located on the SW corner at the stoplight of US 31 and M 115 in Benzonia, Michigan. Entrance off of Frankfort Hwy (M115)
About Us
MISSION STATEMENT - The Benzie County Chamber of Commerce promotes a thriving four-season economy and high quality of life through networking, training opportunities, marketing and advocacy on behalf of the business community.
VISION STATEMENT - Benzie County is a diverse community comprised of resident, second-home owners and visitors. It is recognized as a dynamic resort community that actively nourishes its unique Northern Michigan mystique rich in natural resources, hospitality, recreational opportunities, and strengthened by the presence of the cultural arts and natural beauty. Residents enjoy a quality of life indicated by a high rate of youth retention, an entrepreneurial spirit and an atmosphere where local resources attract businesses appropriate in scale and in harmony with our year-round agro-tourism economy.