Date and Time
Friday Feb 21, 2025
5:45 PM - 8:45 PM EST
Friday, February 21, 2025 5:45 - 8:45 pm
Blaine Christian Church 7018 Putney Rd Arcadia, MI
Contact Information
Blaine Christian Church
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MARRIAGE DATE NIGHT - “THE GREAT ADVENTURE” Blaine Christian Church, 7018 Putney Rd (corner of Joyfield and Putney Rds), invites couples in our community to join us for an unforgettable evening designed to inspire and strengthen marriages. “The Great Adventure” will be a fun evening together on Friday, February 21, 2025, 5:45 - 8:45 pm, at the church. During the evening, couples will enjoy a special dinner and dessert together, provided by the church. Couples will also enjoy meeting and hearing Mike and Lee Nienhuis, from West Michigan, who will give practical wisdom through heartfelt stories. Their message will help couples dream bigger, break free from the routine, and step into “The Great Adventure” that God desires for married couples. This is designed for those who are newly married or who are celebrating decades together. Come ready to laugh, learn, and be encouraged! Cost is $30 per couple, payable by the deadline below, for the meal and the evening’s events. To reserve your spot, for cost information, and for directions, please call the church at 231/352-9148 by the deadline of Monday, February 17, 2025. And, when you call, please let the church know if you need child care. Parents are asked to provide a brown bag supper for their children.